Guidelines/ Rules for
Contributions to the Journal ‘International Circular of Graphic Education and Research’
Contributions to the International Circular of Graphic Education and Research, the journal of the International Circle of Educational Institutes for Graphic Arts: Technology and Management, should cover a scientific (science, engineering, or economics) or educational topic from the field of Graphic Arts Technology or Management in a wider sense; papers regarding the situation of the graphic arts industry in general or in certain countries will also be considered. Original and review articles are equally welcome. Furthermore, the magazine of the IC introduces its members in a loose series.
The International Circular especially invites young researchers to present their results to the public. These may have been developed, e.g., in the course of the final theses of their studies.
To submit your manuscript, please send it via email to the editor in chief, Prof. Dr. Martin Habekost
The publishing procedure will follow the sequence shown in the diagram below:
All articles will be peer-reviewed by at least two referees. The editorial board consists of renowned international scientists that are listed in the first pages of the Journal. Further referees will be selected from leading experts in their respective fields.
Texts should usually not exceed 5.000 words for original articles, 1.000 words for short communications, and 10.000 words in the case of review articles.
They must be preceded by
- a short, but precise headline and
- an abstract of not more than 300 words.
- an address suitable for correspondence, including an e-mail address and
- a portrait photograph of 240 dpi must be supplied.
Preferred language is English; German, French, Spanish, Russian and Chinese are also welcome. If, however, the language of the article is not English, it must be accompanied by a translation into this language.
The text itself and the explanations for the figures must be presented in an electronic form, preferably as a Word file. Figures must be handed in as separate files of 240 dpi, preferably pdf or jpg.
Please note: If you send in pictures along with your submission, make sure that you own the rights to all graphics, including permission by portrayed persons. The editorial staff of the International Circular of Graphic Education and Research does not assume any liability for infringements.