International Circle of Educational Institutes for Graphic Media Technologies and Management
Internationaler Kreis der Lehrinstitute für die Druck- und Medien Industrie und deren Management
Cercle International des établissements d’enseignement supérieur pour les Technologies et la Gestion des Médias
Non registered, non-profit association
Charter and Bylaws International Circle
Adopted June 6th 1977 (Revised May 2017)
§1 Name and Seat
1.1 Title of the organization-Association:
The association has the name of “International Circle of Educational Institutes for Graphic-Media Technologies and Management” (hereinafter referred to as the International Circle or IC). The International Circle operates as a non-registered International Association
1.2 Acronym: IC
1.3 Short name: International Circle
1.4 Logotype:
1.5: Seat: The location of the organisation is coupled with the work address of the Chairperson.
§2 Mission
The IC is a free association of institutes and organizations legally operating in higher education and research with a specific interest in the design, production, technology and management of media.
The IC is operating as a platform for the exchange of expertise and joint action in the above-mentioned fields.
The IC is cooperating with other institutes and organizations of all types from the wider field of graphic communication and media technology, printing, publishing and packaging around the world to promote this goal.
The IC contributes to the further professionalization of the staff of educational institutes and companies, students and other individuals with a vested interest in media design and production, and print in particular.
As the organization has no financial resources of its own, all activities should be selffinancing or self-sufficient. The IC operates thanks to the voluntary contributions of its members.
§3 Membership
- Educational Institutes advancing the study and practice of cross media, printing, publishing, packaging technologies and the creative industries to include:
a) Higher Education and adult training institutions (including formal and nonformal educational institutes);
b) Practitioners of Research employed in industries germane to the interests of the IC membership. - Knowledge and R&D centers, federations or associations specialized in the area of media design and production.
- Institutes offering a study program in one of the above-mentioned fields at the level of initial and continuous education and training.
- Federations or associations with a vested interest in the area of graphic communications and media engineering, technology design and production.
Members subscribe to support the mission and contribute to furthering the objectives of the association and its outreach.
Honorary Chairperson:
The title of Honorary Chairperson may be bestowed upon persons whose long and distinguished contribution to the goals of the association is recognized by the General Assembly.
Membership Application:
Membership is free. Applications for membership are to be made in writing to the Chairperson. The decision will be made at the next conference by a simple majority of the members present. New members are represented by the head of the institution or his/her delegate.
§4 Organization
The IC is ruled by a General Assembly (GA) that elects a Presidium. The Presidium is assisted by an Advisory Board (AB). Any member of the Presidium or the Advisory Board can be removed by the GA by a 2/3 majority. There is no stipend or any other financial remuneration for accepting any of the offices.
§5 General Assembly (GA)
The GA appoints the members of the Presidium: the Chairperson, The Associate Chairperson and the Editor of the IC Journal.
All major actions or decisions that may have a serious bearing on the policy, the financial situation, the structure, and the management of the organization, shall be first agreed upon and endorsed by the GA.
The General Assembly is convened annually. It takes place during the Annual Conference in the country that organizes it.
All members shall be invited well in advance and in writing by the Chairperson. The invitation shall be accompanied by a provisional agenda. Each member may make suggestions for the agenda to the Chairperson.
§6 The Management Committee or the Presidium
The organization shall function through a Management Committee (MC), called the Presidium, consisting of not more than three members:
- Chairperson
- Associate Chairperson (defined as someone that assumes duties or responsibilities in the absence of the Chairperson. In other words, this designee is number two in line of the IC Membership Management Committee.
- The Editor of the IC Journal.
The term of office of the Members of the MC is four years. It will be automatically extended, whenever necessary, to the next general meeting following the end of the term of office.
In the case of a withdrawal or resignation of a MC member during a term, the Chairperson or the Associate Chairperson sends a call of interest to the member institutes for appointing candidates for the position. The General Assembly will decide for a replacement of that position in its assembly.
Election and voting process:
The election of the MC members are taking place during the General Assembly of the International Circle. Prior to the Annual Conference during which the General Assembly will take place, a call is sent by the Chairperson to the member institutes in order to appoint candidates. Self-nomination of member institutes is also possible. A list of candidates is made and the members are voting during the next General Assembly. Every member institution has one vote. The voting procedure takes place by acclamation unless one or more members request a secret balloting.
Tasks of the MC: The MC shall be responsible for the implementation of the aims and objectives of the organization, the internal and external communication and the publication of the IC Journal.
The MC has the task of preparing the meetings, incl. the annual conference, in close collaboration with the host institution.
The Chairperson represents the IC in all its public activities and actions. He acts as the Chairperson of the MC meetings. The Chairperson is editing the electronic newsletter with the assistance of the members of the MC. The Associate Chairperson replaces the Chairperson in his/her duties. The editor is responsible for the review of the articles submitted, the publication and the distribution of the IC Journal.
The MC will keep minutes of its meetings and major decisions. The MC will meet at least three times a year, will act as collegial body and will strive for unanimity in its decisions. In case of discord, the Chairperson has a deciding vote. If the MC deems it necessary and relevant, then it can decide to set up one or more sub-committees after consultation with the Advisory Board. The MC will report to the GA on its activities at the occasion of the Annual Conference and through the Circulars.
§7 The Advisory Board (AB)
The Advisory Board consists of 5 to 7 members. Preferably, in the Advisory Board, all continents should be represented. This rule is obsolete in case there is no candidate or representative member institute from a continent. A representative of the institute that will organize the next annual conference (from the month of one Annual Conference to the month of the next annual conferences) automatically becomes a member of the AB for that particular year.
Tasks of the AB
The tasks of the AB will be to provide advice to the MC on issues requiring urgent consult on priority issues.
The AB can also be called upon to advise the MC or/and the GA regarding the structure, management or objectives of the organization.
The members of the AB will support the external promotion of the organization and act as its ambassadors.
The AB will act as a collegiate body and will report its activities to the GA on the occasion of the Annual Conference.
The term of office for the members of the Advisory Board is four years. This is renewable up to three times.
A Chairperson of the AB is elected during the GA.
§8 Scientific Journal
The International Circle is editing its scientific journal with the name: “IC Journal”. The GA appoints the Editor and he decides for the members of the Editorial Board. The IC Journal Editor is a permanent position in the MC and outside the Advisory Board.
§9 The website and social media of the IC
The MC is responsible for maintaining the IC Website (, the accounts on the social media, and for their content. Preferably one of the MC members is functioning as the webmaster, but that task could also be delegated to a member institution.
§10 Changes to the present charter
This charter can be changed by a resolution. The resolution has to be agreed upon and passed by not less than two thirds of the members who are present at the General Assembly.
§11 Other rules
These rules become effective on the 18th May 2017.
Passed by the General Assembly on the 17th May 2017.