22 May 2019 Newsletter

Newsletter May 2019

New infos on the upcoming annual conference in Tashkent and the support for young researchers

Dear members of the IC, Dear colleagues, It is a pleasure to share with you the latest information on our upcoming 51st International Conference, hosted by our colleagues from the Tashkent Academy of Textile and Light Industry and to be held in Tashkent (Uzbekistan). A very promising program was designed by them under the co-ordination of Prof. Dr. Ismail Bulanow. We are very grateful for this preparatory work, which will allow us to meet and share expertise again in a conducive and inviting environment. You can consult the tentative programme via http://ic-tashkent2019.uz. The website is “a work in progress”, and will be gradually built up. It all starts on October 8th 2019 with registration and a welcoming dinner, followed by a series of presentations on October 9th and 10th. On October 11th, a tour to Tashkent is offered as a social activity to close the conference. The details of the program and the presentations will be made available on the conference website. Hereunder you can find a summary of the conference fees.

  Members Non-members
Early bird* Regular fee Early bird* Regular fee
Speaker / Non-speaker 300 $
350 $
350 $
400 $
Student 150 $
200 $
150 $
200 $
Accompanying person 150 $
200 $
150 $
200 $

All fees are in US$ and include participation in the sessions, an evening reception and dinner, coffee breaks and lunches during the conference days, and the sightseeing trip to Samarkand (Bukhara is optional). The fee can be paid by bank transfer or by credit card. The early bird rate is available until August 5th, 2019. As mentioned above, all the details, including the accommodation modalities and the cancellation policy, are available on the website. Many countries are eligible for visa-free travel to Uzbekistan, but you need to check the visa-waiver prior to making your travel arrangements. Ask your travel agent for assistance or check this website https://mfa.uz/en/consular/visa/ As this is a very attractive program and venue, we would like to encourage you to start making the necessary travel preparations to secure your seat. Please share this information with your colleagues and/or collaborators. Encourage them to participate in the conference – and the presentations in particular – by submitting an abstract (app. 300-500 words) containing 3-5 keywords. The abstract should be sent to the conference coordinator. The scientific committee of the conference will review the received abstracts and select the papers to be presented during the conference. Young researchers in particular are urged to participate. Like last year, both Agfa Graphics and Esko have pledged to subsidize the participation of young researchers (bachelors, master and PhDs). When selected, each nominee will receive a lump sum of 1000 euro on their bank account to cover the cost of conference participation. This is a unique opportunity for young scientific talent to get international exposure and networking experience. Looking forward to meeting you all in Tashkent later this year, With my best regards Luk Bouters