Newsletter September 2019
Annual Congress in Tashkent is approaching. New board members wanted.
Dear members of the IC, Dear colleagues,
In this newsletter, I will cover the following topics to brief you on the latest developments with regards to our organization and its activities:
- 51st International Congress Tashkent 2019
- 52nd International Congress DRUPA (Dusseldorf) 2020
- IC Circular
- A new presidium
The preparations for 51st IC congress in Tashkent suffered from some logistical complications but is now well on its way to ensure a memorable edition. Uzbekistan is a remarkable country with many monuments and sites on the World Heritage List. This, combined with some inspiring presentations, guarantees a successful conference. The website has been updated and the mail connection to Prof. Dr. Ismail Bulanow is restored. Kindly, share this information with your colleagues and students and encourage them to take part. Regarding the students and young researchers, ESKO and AGFA Graphics have pledged special financial support to pay for their participation. Lump sum grants of 1,000 euro each are offered. Make optimal use of this opportunity to give your students some international exposure! There are still some time slots available for presenters. For more information on the program, etc., you can contact Ismail directly through
With regards to the DRUPA 2020, the presidium has engaged in talks with iarigai to organize a joint conference on the 18th of June 2020. The focus of the event will be on our collaboration with the print media industry. “Bridging Industry and Education in Graphic Communication, Print and Media” is the working title. Various but selected vendors will be contacted to come and present a privileged look on the latest innovations to education professionals. Also your students are welcome to attend the sessions. International organizations such as CGEA, EGIN, TAGA and Intergraf already have pledged their support. Also, the VDD, the German association of printing engineers, has expressed interest in participating. Prof. Dr. Anastasios Politis has agreed to take the lead in the preparations. HdM is also preparing a booth called ‘World Print Campus’ to introduce the major print media higher education institutions and to offer a floor for talks and presentations on the latest developments in the field of print media education. Details of the latter are forthcoming. All in all, this promises to become an unprecedented and highly enlightening event. Don’t forget to jot this down in your personal and professional agenda.
Thanks to the efforts of Prof. Dr. Martin Habekost and Prof. Dr. Csaba Horvath, the 11th edition of the IC Circular was printed and is now being distributed. If you need additional copies, please send me an e-mail
Finally, the mandate of the present presidium will come to an end at the DRUPA meeting in 2020. Both Prof. Dr. Gunter Huebner, vice-chair, and Prof. Dr. Martin Habekost, editor, have kindly agreed to accept another term if elected. As I will be retiring in 2021, I will not resubmit my candidature. I, therefore, would like to invite interested members to notify me of their interest to run for chair of the IC starting from June 2020.
I hope this finds you all well and I wish you and your colleagues a good start of the new academic year. Looking forward to seeing you all in Tashkent very soon, With my best regards Luk Bouters