Results of General Assembly in Leipzig
New Chairman Elected
At the IC conference in June in Leipzig Wolfgang Faigle announced his retirement from serving as a Professor at the Stuttgart Media University. Accordingly he also announced to retire as a chairman of the IC. In the elections that took place in Leipzig the General Assembly voted for Luk Bouters from the Artevelde Hogeschool in Gent, Belgium as the new chairman and chose Gunter Huebner from the Stuttgart Media University as a vice chairman. Luk Bouters thanked Wolfgang Faigle for his longtime outstanding commitment for the IC. Further, a number of colleagues agreed to assist in preparing a new draft of the charter for approval by the General Assembly in Beijing 2017. They are (in alphabetical order): John Craft, Martin Habekost, Enn Kerner, Ken Macro, Tommy Nystrom, Anastasios Politis, Alexander Tsyganenko and of course the chairmen Luk Bouters and Gunter Huebner.