Issue 01 Editorial and Imprint JDF-Integration and Automation Thomas Hoffmann-Walbeck [Reviews] Modelling the Ink Current in the Screen Presses Using the Roller Squeegee Sergey N. Litunov [Science & Technology] Concentric Screening in the Spotlight Barbara Detavernier [Science & Technology] Design with Mutant Modulation Screen Elements Jana Z. Vujic, Klaudio Pap, Ivana Ziljak [Science & Technology] Studying the Influence of the Recording Process Factors on the Half-Tone Dots Quality Parameters Vadim Sevryugin, Yuri Andreev [Science & Technology] Printed Antennas for Automotive Applications Gunter Hübner, Ingmar Petersen [Science & Technology] Research of New Graphic Production Planning Methods with SVG Technology Klaudio Pap, Vilko Ziljak, Ivana Ziljak [Economics] Competence-Oriented Training Provides Stimuli for Cooperation Between Education and Industry Luk Bouters [Education] Workflows Simulation Models as Tools for e-Learning of Graphic Production Vilko Ziljak; Klaudio Pap; Jana Ziljak Vujic [Education] Environmental Attitudes of Media Technology Students Pentti Viluksela [Education] Renovation of Educational Programs for “Technology and Design of Packaging Production” Specialization as a Result of Student Scientific Activities Svetlana Novikova [Education] External Developments Impacting on London College of Communication’s Printing Education Sue Pandit [Country Reports] Specialist’s training for printing and publishing branch in Ukraine Bohdan Durnyak, Yaroslav Uhryn [Country Reports]